Friday, July 25, 2008


I developed my own film for the first time a few days ago. Here is a gallery of the best shots from my first two rolls of film. The square ones were shot on my Mamiya C330 medium format TLR. The smaller rectangular shot was from my Canon EOS 630 35mm SLR.


Since then, I managed to find the SLR I've been looking for over the past several years. I've never actively searched for it, I just planned to get one if I ever found one for a good price. The Canon EOS Elan IIe was on sale this week at Mpex. I got one for $30. It works great. The only pictures I've developed from it were on the end of the last roll I shot with the 630. That part of the roll was ruined because I didn't realize that my reel was a 24 exposure reel until I had my 36 exposure reel loaded on it and cut off of the cartridge. Those exposures range from severely underdeveloped to undeveloped. What I was able to see looked decent, but I can't tell for sure. I'll know more about that camera next time I develop film, which should be today or Sunday.

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